Denisse Moise
4 sept, 2020 Centrul de Interes, Cluj-Napoca
The challenge is posed through the title “YES! I AM” and aims for a reflection on sincerity with oneself, as well as a direct stance towards external issues that generate both acceptance and conflict. The open space left by “I AM” is intended as a space for negotiating the idea of right/good as something evolving and formed in real-time. The works of artists at the Center of Interest are responses to current conditions, as the issues arise from situational complexities. The four artists live within crisis, seeking current, uncomfortable, detailed meanings, without giving in to superficial interpretations or reflexive triggers. We invite you to identify the facts that either blend into or stand apart from the circumstances, especially as we all are going through a social, identity, and cultural shock that leaves us more isolated, atomized, and fractured in our relationships with the present and our connection to our past.
De fapt eram eu
Spune-mi ce vezi ca să ș u cine sunt. Dar cât din ceea ce vezi este construit de societate, educație, sistem poli c, lupta pentru putere sau neajunsurile personale? Cât de mult ajută e chetarea pentru confortul nostru emoțional și cât îl limitează pe cel pe care îl e chetăm?
Texte: Matei Lucaci Grünberg, Denisse Moise, Lucia Mărneanu Muzică: Alexei Țurcan [Tomma Alistar] Montaj video: Radu Bogdan Creatoare: Lucia Mărneanu și Denisse Moise Performer: Denisse Moise Curatoriat de Ioana Paun Foto: Razvan Leucea Produs de Biatrice Cozmolici Tehnic: Alexandru Maxim Grafică: Maria Draghici
Tell me what you see so I can know who I am. But how much of what you see is defined by society, educa on, poli cal system, power wars or personal mishaps? How much does labeling help our emo onal comforts and how much does it limit the one we put labels on?